Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Korean Stock Market vs. Korea's GDP ( in 2013 billions of dollars)

요즈음 한국주식시장이 달아오르기 시작한것 같아서 한번 한국 국민총생산과(GDP) 주식시장(Stock Market) 한번보았습니다. 지난 3년동안 경제성장률 비해서 주식시장은 답보했구나라는 견해가 생기네요. 유즈음 같은 유동성이 많은 가운데 한국 주식시장이 지난 3년간 오르지않은것은 한국기업의 지배구조의문제점 , 배당금에 대한 인색함 그리고 아베노믹스에의한 엔화강세로 한국수출 에대한 걱정등 여러가지 원인들이 있었던갔습니다.
하지만 저유가로 인해서 가장 혜택받는 나라가 한국입니다. 그리고 인도 일본 순서입니다. 이혜택이 소비자들에게 돌아가지 않으면 결국 기업들이 이익볼텐데. 당연히 기업들의 자산가치가 올라갈것같습니다. 저유가가 지속되는한 한국기업들의 재무상태는 호조될것으로 보입니다. 현재 한국의 수출은 불황형 흑자입니다 .이불황형 흑자가 장기적으로는 좋지않지만, 단기적으로는 기업들의 재무상태는 좋아집니다.

The Korean stock market is finally heating up. The following chart illustrates the Korea’s stock market and GDP since 1990.  The Korean stock market had been underperforming in the last three years compared to the GDP growth.  The reasons why the Korean stock market is undervalued are the unfairness of ownership structure, the stinginess on the dividends to shareholders, and the slowdown of Korean exports due to the weakening of the Japanese yen due to Abenomics.

Korea is the country that receives the most benefits from low oil prices, which began from last year. India and Japan are next most benefitting countries from low oil prices. If the Korean companies keep the savings from low oil prices instead of distributing the savings to the Korean consumers, the profits of Korean companies would improve significantly as long as the oil price stays low. Although the exports of Korea have been declining lately, the current net exports of Korea have been increasing due to declining of imports which have been declining more than exports. In the long run, this would hurt the Korean companies, but it would increase the profits of Korean companies in the short run.

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